Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Feeling sorry for myself...


and further more...

Are the OPK's mocking me?!?! Does it seem like the line in the first window is LIGHTER than the surrounding area? I swear it got lighter...I have anti-LH.

Obviously testing has got me a little cray cray...

I think the worst part of all of this is waiting. I am the kind of person who sees a problem or a task and tackles it head on. I like to find and act out the steps, and solve the problem. With TTC(ing?), You get to a step, have to wait, get to the next step, have to wait, etc... I don't mind roadblocks. I am good at changing course, or finding a new solution. I don't like that I can't plan out my steps. I may need to take up meditaion or yoga to help me deal with my lack of patience.

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