Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Doctor

I know it's not possible, but I have this little movie running through my head of the Dr running a PT and she comes back in the room and is like "Well, you don't need to do anything! You ARE pregnant!" and then we celebrate and all is well. It's this stupid thought that is making me concerned for how I am going to handle let-downs and frustrations of IF. I was reading a few blogs of other girls with PCOS last night, and it helped. I am trying so hard to be realistic, but I am desperately hoping that this will be easy... Dr. Appt. in 1 and a half hours.

Dr's appt was suprisingly not as uncomfortable as I thought it was going to be (it was as comfortable as allowing a stranger to shove metal instruments up your Hoo-Ha can be). I am pretty impressed with Dr. J. She looked at my info and talked with me for a good 20 minutes. Then, she paid me a compliment! "For having PCOS, your symptoms are pretty mild." But this is not all good news. It means that she wants to RETEST for everything, because it is possible I don't have PCOS but some other thing is going on possibly. So, its sort of one step back, two steps forward. It's not all bad though; I am happy that I am going to get things figured out. She also recommended strenuous cardio, and a diet low in white flour or refined sugar. That's going to be rough at best.

Its like 830, and I have had a migraine since like 2...Its weird because Dr J asked if I get them frequently and i told her usually one every one or two months...but this is my 3rd this month. Ill keep an eye on it and let her know next time. I need to schedule for that blood work.

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